Why the Holidays Are the Best Time to Practice Yoga

Everyone responds to the holidays in different ways. Some  get really excited about decorations and the festivities. For others, this time can be overwhelming, triggering and bring up feelings of loneliness and difficult memories. For each of these reasons, the holidays may seem like the most inconvenient time to make the time to decide when to do yoga, commit to, or learn how to practice yoga, or what parts of yoga to strategically use— but exactly the opposite it true. 

While the holidays may seem like the hardest time of the year to make room for yourself, it's actually a very strategic time to implement the systems of yoga for centering, a stress reduction practice simply because you’re stressed and you want NOT to be.

I’m here to challenge you to dig a little deeper because, the holidays are the best time. What better time to reduce your stress? It doesn't take much time, and, if you practice and develop the tools now, it will be easier to keep it up when the holidays are over!

Less stress is a gift you CAN give yourself again and again, (especially if you practice the components of yoga when it’s hardest).

If the holidays stress you out try these 3 Methods to help flow your practice off your mat for more meaningful affect.

1- When you're already anxious in the morning your day it's difficult to turn it around. 
Try laying over the edge of your bed, placing your hands behind your head to open your heart and strengthen your back for the hella day. 

2- When you're feeling chaotic in the afternoon, try sitting by yourself in a quiet space with your hands on your heart and belly, then breathe into your hands. Inhale peace and exhale joy for your day.  

3- When you're having trouble sleeping at night get out of bed and stand with your back to the wall with feet wide and knees bent. Lean your seat into the wall and fold torso between thighs. Place your hands at the wall for support when you’re ready to come up. Push your seat away from the wall and round up your spine— and get back into bed. 

For an added bonus: Once back in bed, swing your legs up the headboard and place your hands on your belly and notice your breath. Breathe easy, then flip yourself around and snuggle in to sleep.

If you gift these actions to yourself for the holidays, and pay attention to what works for you, it will be easier to pull on this practice, and keep it up a traditional yoga practice throughout the year.

Teri Gandy-Richardson