Achieve a life changing, and grounded understanding of how your personal struggles relate to the power within your existing inner strengths. Learn the 8-Limbs and build a meaningful meditation practice that will support you.
GG is a guided self-study book club styled course highlighting the 8-Limbs of Yoga based on the BKS Iyengar book, 'The Tree of Yoga'. (Purchased separately.)
There is homework in the form of short reading assignments, and journaling that you do between our group sessions. And some 1:1 time with me.
You'll Learn
Why Asana is not the most important Limb of Yoga
Accessible yoga philosophy that's simple enough to understand and an actionable method for learning, and implementing a more meaningful practice, balance and structure for your life
That practicing yoga with self-acceptance, and without attachment is not only possible, but practice how to make that a reality for you
How to Meditate + advance your yoga practice by using the 8-Limbs as a road map to becoming less anxious, more empowered and centered on self-care
This course is for you if
You want to go deeper by authentically incorporating philosophy into your practice and life
You want to feel less stressed and more inspired by yourself through insights on self-care that will have effect, and deepen your practice
You want something different, don’t have a lot of time and you want a strategy to feel better that's simple, sustainable and rooted in yoga philosophy
You want a comprehensive understanding of a complete practice that’s flexible
This program is to help you work meditation into your life with ease, and get used to sitting in that special place in your home.
TBD by the group. Short sessions are meant to keep the material bite-sized.
Three Class Study Style Options:
Twice per week for 5-weeks for a total of
ten 30-minute Group sessions online
+ not mandatory 15-minute end discussions
FOR 4 WEEKS, we meet in person for 75-minutes
doubling up on the readings,
#2: HYBRID (online/in-person combo)
Twice per week for 5-weeks for a total of
ten 30-minute (LIVE) Group sessions online
weeks #3 and #5, in person— 1-hour sessions.
study schedule will be set up to accommodate the group.
The program is $349 , but for you $299.
Let me know which STUDY STYLE option would work best for you.
Once we have our group, I’ll send you a link for payment.